indiscriminate use of pesticide造句

"indiscriminate use of pesticide"是什么意思   


  1. They are also becoming resistant to many insecticides and indiscriminate use of pesticides has adverse effects on their natural predators.
  2. Apart from possible habitat destruction, it appears that indiscriminate use of pesticides has a strong effect on this species due to its insectivorous habits.
  3. Long before Rachel Carson's landmark 1962 book, " Silent Spring, " helped launch the environmental movement by highlighting the indiscriminate use of pesticides, Adkisson and Smith were working on a better way.
  4. Carson's theme-- that indiscriminate use of pesticides can destroy the entire web of life, from birds that eat poisoned insects to people who eat poisoned vegetables-- is a bedrock of modern ecology.
  5. The articles claimed the company secretly controlled dozens of supposedly independent banana companies to avoid restrictions on land ownership and limit unions, threatened the health of its workers through indiscriminate use of pesticides and was involved in a bribery scheme and a host of other questionable practices.
  6. It's difficult to find indiscriminate use of pesticide in a sentence. 用indiscriminate use of pesticide造句挺难的


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